I am Loved!

Sum ​​dilexit,

Ideo dilexit me amare.

Amo ergo sum.

~ Zion


One of the most beautiful and gracious gifts I’ve received as a result of my spiritual journey is the constant confirmation that “I am loved.”  It is wonderful to hear the words I love you from others, even more so to see it in their actions from day to day, but to have come to a place where inside all alone I know I am the center of the Universe to something much greater than myself, that if I were the only one that mattered, all of this Universe would still have been created just for me to exist during this short breath of time, is to find true importance and self-esteem.

Once upon a time I had very low self-esteem and often worried about my worth, so much so, my life was worth nothing to me.  I carried pain and self-doubt as a tax for existing and paid it daily to such extreme that I slowly immersed myself in misery.  It has taken a long time, but patient steady growth inside, discovery of Truth and Understanding has blazed the path before me and brought me to insight that is 180 degrees from where I once looked for answers and found none.  The last remnants of those habits are now falling to the gallows as I take on this new Life that has been granted me and feel the comfort and fit of this new Truth:  I am Loved.

It is because I am Loved, that I have learned and am still learning how to Love.  I have stepped into the Unconditional Ways of the Universe, the Truths that fill the void and leave no lack of Understanding.  The Knowledge and Wisdom of such Love is the blessed Peace that causes my cup to overflow, and I rejoice in this as my new reality.

Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am), the proclamation of René Descartes, is not enough for me.  As a Schizophrenic, I am aware that just because I think something doesn’t make it real.  Credo ergo sum (I believe therefore I am), the proclamation of Augustine, I find lacking because I have believed many things that didn’t make them real.  Yet, I have never found Unconditional Love to be lacking, because I know how to love without prejudice, in the face of complete rejection, I know it to be flawless and perfect, and this defines Life to me, so I proclaim the Truth I know:  Amo ergo sum!  (I love therefore I am!)

8 thoughts on “I am Loved!

  1. I love you Zion! You are a wonderful person Zion! Never doubt. I am excited to see you next weekend! We will have a great time!

  2. Beautiful. Of course, Augustine believed in Love when He said that, so I think you and he are a lot alike. Thank you so much for sharing this. God bless…

  3. Amo ergo sum!
    That is absolutely stunning. You are so right that our thoughts and beliefs are not always in touch with reality. But love brings us to the real “I am”.
    (So long as we don’t mistake for that cotton candy variety sold at movies 🙂 )

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