Gospel of Thomas (v.6)

His Disciples asked Him, “Do you want us to fast?  How shall we pray?  Shall we give alms?  What diet shall we keep?”

Jesus said, “Do not lie and do not do what you hate, because all things are revealed in the sight of heaven.  For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothings is covered that will remain covered.”  (v.6)

I love that the first thing Jesus tells them is don’t offer to take on religious burdens that you hate doing, the very fact that you hate it means your every action and deed in those offerings to God is a lie, you aren’t fooling him nor are you endearing yourself to him.  At the same time he seems to be suggesting that fasting, prayer, giving to the poor, keeping a special diet are all acceptable offerings and practices if the one doing them does so with a heart of joy so that it’s not really a sacrifice but a pleasure to perform such deeds for the one being served.

An example would be, I would detest always allowing someone else to have their way in things, yet for someone I’m in love with, I would submit to her whims all the time because I take joy in knowing what she desires pleases her, so the very action I detest becomes an action of joy and the idea of it being a sacrifice is left void and without meaning.

Why would God be interested in such things?  I don’t know and I don’t care.  There is one thing I have learned in seeking wisdom, start with Unconditional Love, which never asks Why?  Who is going to be favored the person who needs an explanation and a reason or the one that is waiting on baited breath just to be asked to do something by the one they love?  God may give out Unconditional Love to all of humanity (He most certainly does) but it’s a mistake to assume God doesn’t have favorites and that favoritism is not based on what we do but how we do it!

I find it incredibly wonderful that the Truths of God are revealed and explained, to some extent, in all the religions of the world.  No one religion has monopoly on Truth, though zealots will always insist that is just the case for their own religion, and they also never seem to see themselves in the zealots of other religions insisting on the same thing, using their own scripture to point out to others why they are right.  Well, Jesus and others, taught that  it will all be revealed eventually:

“God said, ‘Did I not tell you that I know what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and that I know what you reveal and what you conceal?'” (Qur’an 2:33b)

“He reveals mysteries from the darkness and brings the deep darkness into light.” (Job 12:22)

These are Truths confirmed in each other in 3 different faiths, Judaism, Muslim, and Christianity.  It’s really time to stop looking at other faiths as how they are different and start examining them for conformation of what we already believe and find our similarities.  I’m not telling people to quit proselytizing their faith, just allow people to be who they believe they are meant to be and listen instead of judge.  If we all examine how we are spiritual and spent our effort in becoming joyous in what we do, baring the actions that hurt others (no one should take joy in killing another’s spiritual life), then our individual lives will become deeper, fuller, and richer and we as a race will become kinder and more gentle, the type of humanity that deserves to inherit the Earth.

6 thoughts on “Gospel of Thomas (v.6)

  1. I have a question for you, Zion. For Christians, the goal of our lives is not to become the type of humanity that deserves anything, and telling the world about the truths Christianity adheres to is the effort we make to bring true joy to this world, but this involves what you might see as the actions that kills another’s spiritual life, though I would see it as the exact opposite. Do you think it is possible for religions that hold contradictory teachings, though they might have some similarities, to work together towards the purpose you seem to pursue? Or should they?

    • Yes they can and they should. There are zealots who believe there can be only there own religion in every religion, yet zealots never see themselves in each other. If you can’t be kind, at least, do no harm; I honestly believe if you seek your Lord with all your heart mind soul and strength to know Him as He knows you, you will discover this is more than possible.

    • I am not denying that Christians and non-Christians can fellowship with another; however, my question was that the contradictory teachings of different religions could come in harmony to reach the same goal. The most obvious teaching that Christianity holds, for example, is that Jesus is the only way for the humanity to have restored relationship with God, the Creator. It is not zealots who claim that Jesus is the only way, but Jesus himself did. Christians can work toward the fullness of life, manifested in Jesus Christ, but cannot genuinely work together toward the same goal with those who deny that Jesus is the Lord and Savior, the Son of God. The fullness of life can only be reached in Christ, at least according to Christianity, but other religions would deny that.

  2. I agree. To be able to work together harmoniously with one another in areas where we gneuinely share common goals stemming from shared perspectives is not only possible, but laudable. However, there are those areas ~ one might as well refer to them as the fundamentals ~ of every faith-religion that are simply Irreconcilable. You, Hannah, reffered to one such example in Jesus Christ being considered/believed to be the only and eternally begotten Son of God apart from whom salvation is impossible. Other examples from other faith-religions could be listed, but the point you have made above is quite on target, I believe. Does that mean we ought to hate-filled and full of animosity, even where we might most adamently disagree? Of course not … neither does it mean compromising the integrity of our particular faith-religion, especially to such an extent that it becomes virtually null and void. Thank you, Hannah for your incisive comments.

    • Noblethemes, thank you for the response. I think you have correctly understood the point I was trying to make. I agree with you that we do not need to be and should not be “hate-filled and full of animosity,” although people from different faiths might perceive my message as being that way. Moreover, I believe that not being hostile toward those who hold beliefs that are contradictory to my own is not enough. Jesus taught and proclaimed the truths, though the truths offended many, out of love, and he himself showed the extent of his love for his enemies on the cross. And it is my desire to proclaim and live out the gospel of Jesus out of my love for Him and for the world He loves.

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