
I had a dream I was back in college, and me and others were watching Kiss & Motley Crue together on stage and having a great time.  This young girl about half my age sat next to me and started to flirt, she was very pretty, and she kissed me, she started to climb in my lap and I stopped her.  “You not a toy,” I said…”the entertainment is the concert.”

“I thought all men liked sex.” she said.

“We do, but not all men use women for it.  Some things should be more private and intimate.” I replied.

“How would a girl get you interested then.” she asked

“If you have respect for yourself then you will inspire suitors to have respect for you as well, if they don’t then their true character will show up, and you didn’t have to demean yourself to learn that.  You are very pretty, demand to be treated how you deserve to be treated, and you do that by valuing yourself that way first.”

“You are not like other guys.”

“Thank you, I choose a different path, one that respects the deeper things in life, and allows me to enjoy the shallower things as well, as long as it doesn’t damage the deep things in the process.”

I share this dream because I’m often amazed that there are so many women who think the only way to attract a man is with sex, and I don’t know who is more to blame, because I find most men to have that same mentality, and I’m like, REALLY…that is what life is for you people, finding someone that helps you get off and then hoping you can build a lifetime out of it and blown the fuck away when it doesn’t work out.

I’m no prude…I enjoy sex, and for many years, as long as the women knew up front I wasn’t interested in any commitments then I thoroughly enjoyed that, but I found no matter how matter of factly I stated no commitment, most women just see sex differently then men, so I concluded, that it was wrong to hurt them in any way…because all women are beautiful, just most don’t know it, and when we men devalue them, it only damages the light within them, and thus the saga continues…..women use sex to lure the man in, we let them, because we want sex, and they get hurt, and we move on, then they devalue what they can expect from men, and we never really appreciate them for all they are….it’s an endless string of abuses.

I can’t control the rest of society, but I can control me.  I respect myself!  I want to attract a women that wants to be valued, but at the same time, I need her to be strong in areas I am weak.  I know what I want, and what I need.  I need to help a woman reach her potential, not someone that has given up on men and themselves.  I can help women like that, but I couldn’t expect them to be my partner…I need someone just as willing to help me become all I can be as well, and who can leave the past behind them.

One thought on “Value

  1. I so relate to this my brother!!!!! I treated women like objects and it was all about what i could use them for, sex, comfort, fixing me, loving me until I said no more. I thought the same way. If I was upfront and they knew it was no more than I make you feel good and you make me feel good, then I was off the hook. That was such a lonely existence and the ones I did put more into turned out to be just like me.
    I needed to be reminded of MY responsibility to me and to treat other in relationships like I want to be treated. I want a committed relationship with some one on all levels not just sex. That can be gotten any where any time. I want my mind stimulated now, the rest will follow. Thank you brother!!!

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