What I do when I’m not writing…

I love writing!  I would have to say I find myself wanting to write more, than I allow myself to write, but with blogs, it is counterproductive to give people to much to digest, so I will at most blog twice in a single day, and then the rest goes in my private journals or doesn’t get written.

One of my goals is to blog everyday, but I’m not a legalist, my goals are set for the ideal, not for me to adheare to the letter.  I always intended to take at least 1 day per week to unplug and do something else.  I still do my morning prayer, meditation, a little bit of reading, but I take one day off from writing all together, no journal entries either…I never want to wear myself out on this little gift of mine, I like it to much and now venturing into the world of writing for a living means I will be using this skill all the more, and so a weekly period of “anything” else is due.

I’ve never had a garden before.  This year I’m trying my hand at raising some tomatoes and cucumbers, for no other reason than to get myself outside and do something that keeps me close to Earth and Nature.  I love hikes and going for a run (about 5 miles) and I always include a gym membership in my daily life to some extent…although I don’t push myself like I use too, 30 minutes aerobic 4 or 5 times per week and weights twice…I really hate lifting weights, I lift for tone not bulk.

I really need a hobby, because when I can’t think of anything else to do, I’m back on the computer.  There is only one video game I like, World of Warcraft, and even that, in 4 years I’ve never raised a character to the maximum level…so I’m no gamer.  I just enjoy quiet times, reading and writing is what I do for fun and work.

I apologize, I made this more of a public journal entry rather than a refreshing bit of Wisdom, a Spiritual revelation, or just a majestic story of what I experienced, it’s just some humdrum and that is what I am away from my gifts…just ordinary, average guy, living life as best as I know how to do.  🙂

14 thoughts on “What I do when I’m not writing…

  1. I love reading and writing more than anything else. I can totally relate to this. I limit my blogs to one per day for the main one and one per day to the music blog. I also journal privately and write professionally for a living. I read a book per week too 🙂

  2. Nice, real post. We’re all average “guys”, living life as best as I know how to do. I like the way you have written this 🙂

  3. Actually it is a refreshing piece of wisdom – and a very personal one too! That’s exactly how i like it, the wisdom – personalized and digested. Oh, and i did quote your essay on Compassion, twice (see my latest post. 😉 )

  4. I love reading your written thoughts, Zion. Do keep them up. 🙂 As a matter of fact, reading this makes me want to take up a hobby as well, one that does not require me to use the computer, and preferably something that will let me walk around as I’ve been sitting all day writing articles and reading emails haha. Thank you for sharing this post and good luck on your gardening! 🙂

  5. All writers have a part of them that is a gift, and is insightful and wise, but it is also important to just be a regular guy who does regular things. I’d say this is one of your more insightful posts because it is about you.

  6. I think just about every blogger changes their tone, self included 🙂 If life changes for you then of course your writing will reflect it. I enjoyed reading your post.

  7. I agree with Moderndayruth, this post is a piece of wisdom. Whether we are bloggers, writers, social networkers or gamers, we all need a break from sitting in front of a screen, if only to stretch our bodies out!
    Too much writing can easily lead to burnout, which defeats the whole process of trying to produce work on a regular basis.
    I’m not a gardener, but hiking and working out at the gym are great ways to de-stress. And now, as others have said, we know a little more about you which is nice. 🙂
    Good post!

  8. My husband and I played World of Warcraft for about 4 years and after Cataclysm came out my husband finally quit. He had leveled 8 characters to level 85 all classes but warlock and death knight. They nerfed the Paladin and that was his main. I just got tired of sitting at the computer for so long and having nothing to show for it! I do wire bending, knitting, sewing, lots of walking, spend time with my husband and pets, Tai Chi, meditate, lift weights, write letters, write here, keep a handwritten journal, do outside chores, watch bad reality television and humorous sitcoms (Community is our current favorite)….sitting here with WordPress is about the most I do on the computer anymore! It’s all about balance — too much plugged in time isn’t good for yah!

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