My Library

I read books the same way I listen to music; this means I’m very eclectic. I like most genres.  Because my mind is the way it is, I can rarely read a book cover to cover, I have to read several books at the same time, for example I’m currently reading eight books, 5 non-fiction in the spiritual/philosophical genre, 1 daily reflection, and 2 fiction books.  Most I read some of everyday, while 2 of them I read only occasionally as one I leave at the public library and the other (one of the fictions) I find a little trite but I want to finish it so I just read it now and then.

I put up a page of books I consider essential to my library, although it isn’t exhaustive.  If there is one thing I can’t stand it is a library that is filled with only books the reader can agree with the authors.  I much prefer a library that pushes me to see things from another perspective, as for religion, I won’t even talk about one until I’ve read their major works and beliefs.  I keep meaning to get the book of Mormon and Koran, because I’ve never read those, and I want too, not because I expect to convert but because I want to understand what they believe.  I’ve read the Bhagavad Gita and I should add that to my list of essentials, all religions should be represented in my essentials….I’ll do that today.  I’ve read books defending both the theories of evolution and creationism.  I like that they both look at the same evidence and conclude different answers….my own personal view….I don’t give a shit!  I just like to know what people think and the little things like that I can go either way.  If pressed, I tend to believe in a very old universe and agree with much of what evolution has to offer, yet I do believe someone put everything into motion, and if that is wrong and God created the world in 6 days, that’s pretty damn cool, I have no problem with that!

I don’t get caught up in these little controversies as to why things happen, I just care about Truth, and that is what I look for, and I find Truth in everything to some degree, therefore I have no problem with differing views.  I know when I read the Koran I’m going to find some Truth, as I find Truth in Science and Philosophy and Literature and Psychology.  I read it all, though I don’t agree with it all, I know I will find some of what I believe to be Truth in every thing I look too, simply because I know what I’m looking for and I know I will find it….I always do.

We would find we (humanity) could work together in this world a lot better if more people believed that Truth is not relegated to their own set of doctrines and that we all have some Truth in what we hold dear and what we believe.  It is a sad commentary that so many people see only one option, their own, and everyone else is gonna burn for what they believe.  In religion that means Hell…in reality that means WAR!

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