
This is my first attempt at creating and maintaining a blog. I enjoy writing; I have kept various types of journals over the years, but i’ve never drafted, edited, and considered the presentation of those journals, at least, not until recent.  I do keep a journal of love letters to a woman who has told me to bequeath them to her in my will, not to give them to her, which will be hard, they are some of the best words I’ve ever written, yet:  se le vie. (I will serve her as she has directed in this matter).  In those pages, I consider what I write very carefully, as I am aware the potency in the proclamations and the very devotion such words will dare to capture will no doubt affect her and the posterity of many more.  Correct, I tend to be narcissistic, yet to keep a journal of letters faithfully until I die, without regard to the consequence of their never being desired speaks for the love that inspires them.

These blogs, however, I believe will be as eclectic as my desires in music, art, and movies…I have decided once per week I will write specifically on spiritual truths gleaned along my journey.  Often I will write of the fanciful dance of the mind I have endured and reveled in through the episodic rhythms of schizophrenia, both in the current telling of my growth through paranoid circumstances and the labored pains of the past.  The intention to share the joyful and boisterous anecdotes of of my boyhood and day to day life, and the grandiose cascade of emotions filled with sorrow and delight are within the scope of my vision…both have wrought wisdom for this heart.

So, my path now leads here, with the depth or shallows of a daily blog; I hope it is worth reading….at least as much as it is worth to write.

One thought on “Journals

  1. Comments can be left here if anyone feels the desire or need. I believe I have the site set up so you only need to leave your name and email address, if you don’t have a WordPress account, if not there is a WordPress account that doesn’t require a blog page, it just assigns a user name so comments can be posted.

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