My Name…….

For 33 years, I rebelled against society, two thirds of which with drugs and alcohol.  I had severe metal issues I was facing unbeknownst to me at the time; I hated my life!!  I was a single parent, their mother abandoned us and I couldn’t stay focused in school due to my fractured psyche.  Everything I attempted to do seemed to be blocked. I know now it was the instability of a schizophrenic mind that sabotaged much of what I wanted to accomplish, but then I believed honestly the world wanted me dead, and I did too!

In prayer, with God, I found a new life, or at least the promise of ONE.  In prayer, I was never known as Scott, but I was always Loved, and because Love dwelt with me and God is Love, I asked Love what I should change my name too, because I hated Scott…I still hate Scott, but as I would eventually come to learn, everything wasn’t his fault.  We chose, Zion.

I always told people a partial truth, if they asked why I changed my name…I told them I left drugs behind, and I started a new life, I didn’t think they would understand that someone as vulgar and vain as I tend to be could be so deeply spiritual that I would make decisions based upon a faith they only tie to the religious, so I told them just enough to accept it, and I never told those who insist on calling me Scott, that is an insult to me every time they do…because I HATE that name!

A story I’ve never shared accept for maybe once, and the reader can choose to believe or NOT, it doesn’t matter to me, but here is how I settled upon never changing it back.  I had been Zion for awhile, but it seemed I was going to be back among family and friends in Oregon after a stay of 3 years in Hawaii, and I was toying with the idea of changing my name back to Scott, even though I hate that name, and in a prayer at my desk, I asked Love, why do you call me Zion?  I heard no answer, God always speaks to me in Silence, I asked Him to long ago, because I don’t trust my mind.  After a long period of silence, I turned to get up and knocked my Bible to the floor, it fell open to Revelations and the ribbon that I didn’t have marking anything laid across the page like a pointer to this verse: “I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God…”  My name is Zion…and that is what I expect to be called.

7 thoughts on “My Name…….

  1. I didn’t know how or why you changed your name. Thanks for sharing. I understand. I had a hard time accepting a different name for you but now I know that the other name doesn’t really exist for you. Zion, thank you for allowing this window into who you are.

    • Thank you for commenting! I appreciate the interaction with the response. It’s funny, I had a whole different agenda today, but when I sat down to write…this is what I typed…I think often …I’m just the passenger on this journey…and honestly, I prefer it that way…I make better choices when I just watch.

  2. Sorry, Son. I know you want me to agree with you. But we put a lot of thought into your name before you were born. It was as much an insult to us when you changed it as it seems to be for you to be called that now. I don’t know if I can. I will introduce you to others as Zion, I’ll write it on your mail … but I don’t know if I can call you that.

    • Will have to disagree on this…because I don’t give a shit if my kids change their names, and Jessica was the ONLY name Fonda and I could agree upon. I understand you put a lot of stock in it, but I hear “piece of shit that will never amount to nothing”, because is what I was told it meant, and I believed him. I won’t hold it against you for calling me Scott, just know, it’s like knowing my jaw is broke, and because you like pinching my cheeks you refuse to stop even though it hurts….and I don’t understand that reasoning.

    • I truly hope that doesn’t offend you mom. i love that we are building a relationship we haven’t had in a very long time, I will do my best to remember you don’t want to call me something other than what you named me, and I understand, it would be fruitless to try to give you reason why it that name hurts me so much, so for you alone, and I mean only you, I will teach myself to hear Scott from your lips with affection, but that grace is for you alone….only you are so important, Mom. I love you. ❤

    • I don’t know who would say something like that to you. They were wrong to do it. I wish to would not have listened to them. This is what your name means:

      •The name of Scott creates a quick, analytical, and clever mind; you are creative, versatile, original, and independent.

      • You have large ambitions, and it is difficult for you to be tolerant and understanding of those who desire less in life or who are more slow and methodical by nature.

      • Patience is not your forte.

      • You do, however, have leadership ability and would never be happy in a subservient position.

      • You are ambitious and aggressive by nature.

      • You would be happiest in positions where you are free to express individually and creatively and where opportunities are not restricted; you desire freedom, and do not tolerate being possessed by others.

      • You appreciate change and travel, and the opportunity to meet and mix with others, and to influence them with your creative ideas.

      •Although the name Scott creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation.

      • This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus, and through worry and mental tension.

      You and your name are beautiful to me…no matter what you call yourself. I don’t believe God cares about our name, he cares about us as people. What a person calls you is of no consequense.

      This is why I don’t like to comment on blogs. Someone always gets feelings hurt. No one wants to upset you by saying how we feel.

      I do love you so much. Something I read in a book once: “What is leads to what will be, and all will be well if we do what is right.” And, “never fear the future. The future is the only way back to where we belong forever.” ❤

    • I prefer honesty even if my feelings get hurt…I like our dialogue, and it gave me the opportunity to do something for you I wouldn’t do for anybody else, a gift you can brag is unique to you…I love you mom, never feel obliged to keep something to yourself simply to save my feelings…ask my friends….I would hate it if they did that…my friends get to do things the world don’t get to do…I learned that from God…he has his favorites and so do i, those closest to him get a pass on things the rest of the world don’t. LOL…it’s not what we know, it’s who we know!!

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