The Sacred

long-journeyA day off, and I need a change of scenery!  I need more than that…I need to experience something of significance.  I need to step out of my day to day, beyond the casual escape of the routine and into the profound; I need to step into something Sacred. Continue reading

Dust to dust (experiencing God)

light through the cloudsWhat does God say to me?  What are my experiences with God?  These are personal experiences I ain’t willing to share, and it frustrates some of my readers.  I will share what I know in what you should seek, but I won’t share more than that…you have to find it on your own!! Continue reading

The Language of God

darkness and silenceThere are places and experiences that speak to the soul, that develop our interior and allow us to grow, to learn….to become.  Inevitably I find that silence always surrounds these.  Those who spend their lives filling the void with noise…something to distract them from the reality that they are alone, will always struggle to develop and mature as humans, as man and woman, and whatever awaits us beyond the mortal toil we call life.

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The Breath of Life

I’ve mentioned often my quest for Wisdom and seeking silent serenity through prayer and meditation.  It is not always easy to quiet the mind especially for someone who has ADHD and is Schizophrenic.  The mind races all the time and though medicine help quiet that down some it is still like trying to find a quiet moment in Grand Central Station.   Continue reading

The Gospel of Thomas (v.8)

Humankind is like a wise fesherman who cast his net into the sea.  He drew it out of the sea full of small fish.  The wise fisherman found among them a large, good fish.  He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without hesitation.  Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear. Continue reading

One with the Way

“Only simple and quiet words will ripen of themselves…

He who cultivates the Tao is one with the Tao”

              ~Lao Tsu Continue reading

An Aspect of Compassion

“One aspect of compasion is to respect others’ rights and to respect others’ views.  That is the basis of reconciliation.  The human spirit of reconciliation based on compassion is working deep down, whether the person really knows it or not.  

Our basic human nature is gentleness; therefore, no matter how much we go through violence and other bad things, ultimately the proper solution is to return to human feeling and affection.  So affection or compassion is not only a religious matter, but in our day-to-day life it is quite indispensable.

                     ~Dahli Lama

Respect, much of what I came to believe during my youth had to be unlearned for me to understand the Wisdom I have found to be essential in embracing different religions and cultures.  I was raised on television bravado, such as John Wayne, where respect had to be earned or you didn’t get it.  This is a TERRIBLE foreign relations policy Continue reading

The Joy of Blogging

When I first googled the word “blog” this last April I had never even read a blog, much less written one.  I never had any interest in it, but a friend had suggested it might be a good idea for me and I knew I had a natural talent for writing ever since college.  Back then, I preferred classes with a 10 page final instead of a test because I new I would get an “A” in that class, without much time investment.  I have been writing a  journal for over 20 years, so in a certain since, I’ve been preparing for this for a very long time, but I didn’t know I would come to enjoy it so much. Continue reading

Religion Renewal…

“In the West,

religion became preoccupied

with telling people what to know

more than how to know,

telling people what to see

more than how to see.”

                             ~Richard Rohr

Believe it or not, Richard Rohr is a Franciscan Priest in the Catholic tradition.  I find it very refreshing to find not only believers in Christianity, but a member of the leadership and fraternal order to have rediscovered the contemplative awakening of a relationship with the Presence that indwells each of us and I also find in Fr. Rohr a kindred spirit, so to speak, as he speaks and writes very similar to the Truths that I write about both on this blog and in my journals. Continue reading

Always & Forever

A common theme to my interior life and thus to much of my creations is Unconditional Love.  It is devotion and passion without boundaries.  It is something that at birth we are all capable of giving for it appears to be imprinted upon us through the process of creation itself.  With the first kiss of breath, that very moment that Life sparks within the essence of a babe the ability to Love is Present, only through experience and degeneration are we brought low to exist with the walls of fear for possible injury and threat to our emotional and physical security. Continue reading

Gospel of Thomas (v.6)

His Disciples asked Him, “Do you want us to fast?  How shall we pray?  Shall we give alms?  What diet shall we keep?”

Jesus said, “Do not lie and do not do what you hate, because all things are revealed in the sight of heaven.  For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothings is covered that will remain covered.”  (v.6)

I love that the first thing Jesus tells them is don’t offer to take on religious burdens that you hate doing, the very fact that you hate it means your every action and deed in those offerings to God is a lie, you aren’t fooling him nor are you endearing yourself to him. Continue reading

The Birth of Silence

In the darkness I am open with a sight not known to me.  Standing at the edge of nothingness, when all that is fades from shape and future into a formless void, I see the beginning of all things as it was before the birth of creation.  The breath of Me is still present, I can know it yet separated from an empirical perception, in a state of existence where senses are bereft of knowledge and an effortless consciousness is required to become aware of the unattainable…tranquil silence. Continue reading

When giving Gifts think of the Receiver.

One of the things that I hate about birthdays and Christmas is the random accumulation of things that mean absolutely nothing to anyone, we just feel obligated to buy something so we do, and speaks no sentiment, and means nothing other than clutter to the one receiving it.

My Mom, bought me a gift today, for no reason other than to give her son a gift, which I think is the best reason…much better than for a specific day.  And what did I get?  A GIFT that is perfect for ME!

I am fascinated with Religions, Wisdom, Folklore, and Spirituality.  As can be seen by my posts, I love reading about them, experiencing what I am able to experience and writing about what I come to know. Continue reading